Trump Signs Executive Order Federally Prohibiting Biological Men From Participating in Female Sports

Trump Signs Executive Order Federally Prohibiting Biological Men From Participating in Female Sports

Mateo Guillamont
Mateo Guillamont
February 6, 2025

President Donald Trump recently signed an executive order banning transgender women, i.e., biological males, from participating in sports designated for biological females. 

The executive order would prohibit schools receiving federal funds from enabling transgender women to participate in sports explicitly reserved for biological females. 

“We are putting every school receiving taxpayer dollars on notice: If you let men take over women's sports teams or invade your locker rooms, you will be investigated for violations of Title IX and risk your federal funding,” said President Trump

Trump had previously signaled his intent on using executive authority to ensure the federal government does not finance the participation of biological males in teams and competitions designed for females. 

Recently, Trump issued another executive order mandating biological males cannot gain access to intimate areas for biological females. 

Trump’s order makes it the official policy of the federal government that male and female are the only two genders existing as well as prohibits biological males from entering publicly-administered intimate areas designed for biological females.

“Efforts to eradicate the biological reality of sex fundamentally attack women by depriving them of their dignity, safety, and well-being,” reads the order. 

"Under the Trump Administration, we will defend the proud tradition of female athletes,” continued Trump. “From now on, women's sports will be ONLY FOR WOMEN!”

Keeping males out of female sports has been a policy issue widely supported by the American public. 

A recent Gallup poll demonstrated nearly 70% of all Americans reject transgender participation in sports teams of the opposite sex, and lawmakers have taken notice. 

For example, the Georgia senate recently drafted a bill prohibiting schools to enable participation of biological males in sports reserved for biological females.

While speaking to The Floridian’s Javier Manjarres, Representative Greene (R-GA) expressed her full support for the effort, which also prohibits public schools from permitting biological males to use restrooms designated for biological females. 

Representative Greene further claimed she did not “see how anybody argues against” keeping males out of female sports. 

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Mateo Guillamont

Mateo Guillamont

Mateo is a Miami-based political reporter covering national and local politics

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